Dear team, Some respondents participated in both mPower and Fox Insight studies. Can I have a mapping that links healthcode here with the fox insight IDs?

Created by Nasca Peng Nasca
Hi Nasca: That is a different study than the one represented in this data repository. This repository contains data from the first mPower study that launched in May-2015 and was active until the end of 2018. The study you are referencing is At Home PD ([]( It is true that the participants in that study is also being enrolled in a mPower related study called ([mPower Progression](]). mPower Progression was launched in 2018 and has related measures to the mPower study in this repository but no data from this study has been released yet.
It is related to this research: Quoting: "(d) existence of or willingness to create a Global Unique Identifier, which enables linking of participant data across multiple studies" ![At Home PD Study](
Hi Nasca: I am not aware of any participants having participated in both Fox Insight and the original mPower study. Can you clarify what information you are referring to or the specific study?

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