Hello Syn-ISS participants! We have some exciting news and information to share with you all. Dataset: Dataset 1 has been released. Please download at your convenience and let us know if you have any questions. We will send out another email when dataset 2 gets released. Q&A: If you have any questions or comments, please use the discussion forum or email us at: endovis-ds@surgicalscience.com Participation: For your convenience, I've linked two Synapse pages regarding participation: * https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn50908388/wiki/621840 * https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn50908388/wiki/622901 Award: We have an award offer of (USD) $2000.00. We look forward to sharing this with the winner! Again, please let us know via email or the discussion forum if you have any questions or comments. Good luck and may the data science be with you!

Created by Kimberly Glock SuS_Seattle_DS
@SKJP Hi and thanks for the great question! We do not have any plans to change the deadline, as of yet. But we will definitely let you all know if we move the submission deadline forward, via an email etc.
Dear organizers, Do you have any plan to extend the submission deadline ?

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