Hello Syn-ISS participants! We are excited to share the second training dataset for this challenge. This dataset brings some variation in the scenery so be sure to check out the [Dataset-2 page](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn50908388/wiki/623360) for details. Q&A: If you have any questions or comments, please use the discussion forum or email us at: endovis-ds@surgicalscience.com Award: We have an award offer of (USD) $2000.00. We look forward to sharing this with the winners - there will be multiple prizes per task so keep on going! Again, please let us know via email or the discussion forum if you have any questions or comments. Good luck and may the data science be with you! On behalf of the Syn-ISS Organizers.

Created by Anand Malpani anand_sus

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