Hello Syn-ISS data scientists! This is a reminder on how to form a team and the deadline for doing so. **The deadline for team registrations is August 31, 2023.** **Even if you are a one-person team, please follow the instructions that follow to register your team.** To register your team: * Please email endovis-ds@surgicalscience with the subject: "Syn-ISS Challenge team registration: [insert team name abbreviation]". * In the body of the email include the following information: **Team name **Team name abbreviation (note: this will be used to refer to your challenge submissions) **Team lead's name **Team lead's synapse username **Team lead's email address **Optional: number of team members and their names Challenge website link with registration instructions: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn50908388/wiki/621840 Thank you, Syn-ISS Organizing Team

Created by Kimberly Glock SuS_Seattle_DS

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