Participants, We have a request as we are approaching the submission deadline for Docker images (September 4, 2023). We encourage you to submit Docker images ahead of the deadline. This way we can verify on our end as well if we see any issues running those. Having the Docker image side of things straightened out ahead of time will make the submission process much easier for all of us. Note: you can always submit a new version of the image as you make more updates to your models, etc.** See [this thread](!Synapse:syn50908388/discussion/threadId=10477) about the docker submission instructions for details on how to prepare your Docker image. Please reach out to us if you are having any issues preparing your Docker images. **Team registrations close tomorrow - August 31, 2023. Register now if you have not done so already. ** Sincerely, Syn-ISS Organizing team

Created by Anand Malpani anand_sus

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