Syn-ISS Participants, thanks to you all for finding and notifying us about the errors as well pointing us in the direction of the bug that was causing this error. We will be uploading a new version of the training datasets - `` and `` to Synapse with corrected labels within the next 24 hours. We would recommend using these corrected datasets to train your models and then submitting the models using Docker containers to the challenge. The Docker templates will also receive a fix related to this to ensure the predictions generated by the Docker images are correct. We understand that this can be time consuming and inconvenient. We hope you understand that we did run quality checks on the data before releasing it. However, we missed out on these image samples that were prone to the programming error. We sincerely apologize for that. With that in mind we would like to **extend the submission deadline for the Docker image containers to September 12, 2023 (3 pm Pacific Time)**. We are working on sending out the write up submission instructions as well. Once we release those we will give a 1 week time-frame to prepare your write-ups and submit them to the challenge. **Summary:** * New version of training data will be released by tomorrow (September 6, 2023). * New version of Docker templates will be released by tomorrow (September 6, 2023). * Organizers recommend re-training your models and create new Docker images for submission. * New deadline to submit Docker images: **\*\*September 12, 2023 (3 pm Pacific Time)\*\***. Thank you for the patience. Syn-ISS Organizing Team

Created by Anand Malpani anand_sus

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