Participants, Those teams who have submitted their docker images and writeups, please remember that we sent out a request to submit your team slides earlier this week. We have the email pasted below. **Please submit your slides by September 29, 2023 (3 pm Pacific Time). ** > Hello Syn-ISS participants, > We have received instructions from the EndoVis organizing committee asking us to collect slides about all methods that would be included in the challenge. They have provided a slide template that is attached here. > Please fill in the necessary details. Slide 1 is team information, slide 2 is the method, slide 3 is any results you have from this method. > Fitting the method in one slide can be challenging. We recommend using a visual / graphical depiction of the method. However, if you must use another slide, it should be okay to have 2 slides for the methods. > Teams at the top of the leaderboard might be given the opportunity to present their own slides at the challenge. We will know more as exact program details are finalized by the MICCAI and EndoVis committees. > The overall time to present your slides would be 5 minutes maximum. Please assume that someone else like the organizing team will be presenting and make the slides appropriately. > You must avoid modifying the font types and layout. It would make for an easy merge of all the slides into the master slide deck to be used on the challenge day. This will be very very much appreciated by us. > Your slide must be in the .pptx file format. > Please follow the instructions for writeup submission to submit your slides. There is a new submission queue currently open and is named "Syn-ISS 2023 Participant Team Slides (9615421)". > > Please submit your slides by September 29, 2023 (3 pm Pacific Time). > > Note: we are actively working on evaluation of the docker submissions as some of you are aware. If we are waiting on your response, please respond as soon as possible so that we can complete the evaluations in time. If you have not received an email about your docker submission, then that means we have not run into any error while running them. > > Sincerely, > Syn-ISS Organizing Team Sincerely, Syn-ISS Organizing Team

Created by Anand Malpani anand_sus

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