Created By
Narges Rezaie nargesr
RIN: 10
sex: male
assay: long-read rnaSeq
grant: U54AG054349
organ: brain
study: UCI_Trem2_Cuprizone
tissue: whole brain
species: Mouse
ageDeath: 3
dataType: geneExpression
genotype: Trem2-R47H_NSS_homozygous
platform: GridION Mk1
rnaBatch: 10.14.21
dateBirth: 6/7/21
libraryID: AD001_14359_lig-blk_1
consortium: MODEL-AD
fileFormat: fastq
isStranded: FALSE
rodentDiet: 6% standard
specimenID: 14359wb
libraryPrep: totalRNA
samplingAge: 3
individualID: 14359
isPostMortem: TRUE
libraryBatch: 11.01.2022
referenceSet: GRCm38
resourceType: experimentalData
sampleStatus: frozen
ageDeathUnits: months
treatmentType: control
materialOrigin: UCI_TMF
isMultiSpecimen: TRUE
sequencingBatch: 11.01.2022
samplingAgeUnits: months
specimenIdSource: UCI_TMF
genotypeBackground: C57BL6J
individualIdSource: UCI_TMF
individualCommonGenotype: Trem2R47H_NSS
libraryPreparationMethod: SQK-LSK110
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