After clicking 'submit a file to challenge', it shows 'submit to Eval Q Test'. But an error 'Submitter is not registered for the challenge' appears. Could anyone help me out? Thank you!

Created by hui lin huilin
@liamchalcroft , Submission queues for evaluating generated segmentations are not available at this time. An announcement will be made once they re-open.
Hi, trying to run the Adult Glioma label evaluation and getting the same error.
Hi @vchung , i am trying to submit but i see only the last three queues. None of the segmentation ones is visible/available. Have i missed a step? BR Thanos
@huilin , Great question - the submission queues are not yet open. An announcement will be made once the queues are open and ready for submissions. The list of queue names will be: * BraTS 2023: Segmentation - Adult Glioma * BraTS 2023: Segmentation - BraTS-Africa * BraTS 2023: Segmentation - Meningioma * BraTS 2023: Segmentation - Brain Metastases * BraTS 2023: Segmentation - Pediatric Tumors * BraTS 2023: Synthesis (Global) - Missing MRI * BraTS 2023: Synthesis (Local) - Inpainting * BraTS 2023: Evaluating Augmentations for BraTS Hope this helps!

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