Hi there, Our team is taking part in several segmentation challenges, so we have been working with multiple training datasets. We are wondering if we are allowed to use datasets from one challenge for training a model to be used for a different challenge. For example, using BraTS-GLI data (Challenge 1) as part of our training for a model that we will submit to Challenge 2, BraTS-Africa. Is this allowed or not, or are there different rules for each challenge? Thanks, Ethan

Created by Ethan Honey ethanhoney
Hi @ethanhoney, Apart from mentioning in the paper, we will be detailed information about this during your submission to CMT submission system. Organizers will follow up with all the details for this soon.
Hi @ujjwalbaid, Thank you very much for clarifying that. One final thing - if we use Challenge 1 data for the training of our model to be ranked on Challenge 2, is there anything more we must do besides mentioning this in our short paper? Thanks, Ethan
Hi @ethanhoney, Now we have made this explicit in the section "Use of Data Beyond BraTS" given here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn51156910/wiki/622360 Please let us know if there is any confusion.
Hi @ujjwalbaid, First of all, thank you for your recent replies to my other posts. Do you have any updates on this? Please let us know asap, as we will need to completely change our strategy for Challenge 2 if this is not the case. Thanks, Ethan
Hi @ujjwalbaid, Thank you. However, this link is talking about using data beyond BraTS. I am talking about using data between different BraTS challenges. This is my current understanding, based on what you have said: * For Challenge 2 (BraTS-Africa), we **are allowed** to use datasets from all other BraTS 2023 Challenges for the training of our algorithms chosen to be ranked. * For Challenges 1, 3, 4 and 5, we **are NOT allowed** to use datasets from any other BraTS 2023 Challenges for the training of our algorithms chosen to be ranked. Please confirm if this is correct, and if not, please make it very clear on what we are allowed to do for each of the Challenges.
Hi, Please have a read though section "Use of Data Beyond BraTS" given here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn51156910/wiki/622360
Hi @ujjwalbaid, thanks for clarifying that. Are there any extra steps when using data from other challenges for BraTS-Africa? Also, I noticed that there are nothing is mentioned about using external datasets for Challenge 3, BraTS-MEN. Are we still not allowed to use external data for this? Thanks, Ethan
Hi @ethanhoney, Participants are not allowed to use the data from other challenges except for **BraTS Challenge on Sub-Sahara-Africa Adult Glioma.**
@vchung @jeffrudie Please let me know if you know the answer to this. Thanks, Ethan

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