Hi everyone, i am trying to submit my results for one of the segmentation tasks (Pediatrics) but i cannot see the queue. No queue is visible for any segmentation task. The three queues that i see are: BraTS 2023: Evaluating Augmentations for BraTS BraTS 2023: Synthesis (Local) - Inpainting Eval Q Test Any advice? Thanks Thanos PS I have asked the same question in one older post but i thought to write it here since that particular post may not be monitored by someone with an answer to my problem.

Created by Athanasios Tragakis Thanos
Thank you very much for your efforts!
Thank you @vchung yes now it is fixed and i can submit my predictions
@Thanos , @ShadowTwin41 , Apologies for the delayed response! There was unfortunately an error with the evaluation for segmentations, so the queues had to temporarily halt until the error could be addressed. I see that you both are active in the challenges, so you are most likely already aware, but we are now accepting submissions to the following queues: * BraTS 2023: Segmentation - Adult Glioma * BraTS 2023: Segmentation - BraTS-Africa * BraTS 2023: Segmentation - Meningioma * BraTS 2023: Segmentation - Pediatric Tumors * BraTS 2023: Synthesis (Local) - Inpainting * BraTS 2023: Evaluating Augmentations for BraTS Thank you both for your participation!
Maybe. It would be nice thought to have an official reply.
I believe they are working on it. But probably they are waiting for a solution before replying to us.
Thank you for the update. I also still face the problem I wonder if any of the admins/organizers monitor the discussions. I see no mention of the problem anywhere.
Hello! Still nothing on my side.
As far I'm aware, no. Hopefully, next week.
Hi @ShadowTwin41, thanks for the reply! i am sure i have read that the submission opened around the beginning of the month, now i see it opened between 10 - 12 July. Strange. Any update from the organizers on when it will open?
Hey, Two days ago there were more options available. I was able to make an submission, but it shows me the same as it shows you now. I think we have to wait a little longer.

Missing queue for submission page is loading…