Dear Participants, Please make note of the following points when you are submitting the manuscript on the CMT portal. 1. Detailed submission instructions can be found at:!Synapse:syn51156910/wiki/622350 2. The submission template can be downloaded in word/latex format from: 3. The manuscript must have Abstract, Appropriate keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements(if any), References. Please make sure to include references mentioned on the Challenge Data page in the "Data Conditions for Use" section:!Synapse:syn51156910/wiki/622360 4. Log in to CMT portal for submission: 5. Once you click on create a new submission, please choose BraTS 2023 6. Fill up the appropriate information on the submission portal. Participants must successfully submit the MLCube in the testing phase of the challenge, and then their manuscript will be accepted after review. Organizers will share the performance on the testing cohort with individual teams which should be included in the camera-ready submission. Best wishes, Ujjwal Baid (on behalf of the organizing committee)

Created by Ujjwal Baid ujjwalbaid
Hello @ujjwalbaid I have a question about data that I would like to ask you.I would like to ask why there is no file on the TCGA and BraTS name mapping in the validation set in the BraTS2023 adult glioma dataset? Then, is the name mapping file of BraTS2023 the same in terms of mapping quantity as the name mapping file of BraTS2020? Looking forward to your reply. Sincerely, Yanzhi
Hi @ujjwalbaid, Our team (UMNiverse) has submitted a short paper in association with our submission. However, we have not heard regarding the reviews for this paper and status of any acceptance. Can you please help with this? Thanks, Kameswara Mantha
Hi @ShadowTwin41, Currently, we are looking at the MLCube submissions and will start the review process for manuscripts with valid submissions in the next two weeks.
Dear all, When will we receive papers for reviewing? Best, André Ferreira
Hi @adamsyah, You will be able to do so at the time of camera-ready submission.
Hi organizers and @ujjwalbaid . Is it possible to update the authors' institution/affiliation in the submitted short paper and CMT3? Thank you.
The paper we submitted has problems and needs to be withdrawn. We would like to know how to withdraw the paper
Hi @Absaar, Could you please elaborate where are you stuck in the CMT submission system? You are supposed to follow following steps: Log in to CMT portal for submission: Once you click on create a new submission, please choose BraTS 2023 Fill up the appropriate information on the submission portal. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Honorable sir,  I hope you would be doing great, I participated in the BraTS 2023 Pediatrics and Glioblastomas challenge as a part of the team SINES, and I was struggling to submit the paper for the last four hours, but unsuccessfully could'nt do it, please we have done a lot of hard work on the paper.                        It's a humble request to let us submit the paper as it's not too late since the deadline has passed, and still we have the chance to submit it. It would be gratitude to let us submit our short papers in the meanwhile so we can proceed further in the evaluation process.Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours affectionately, M.Ansab
The steps mention a field called "Synapse Team ID", however this field does not exist, only "1. Teamname What is the name of your team on the Synapse evaluation platform?". I wrote the name and between parentheses the team ID.
Hi, Please report the team ID. PLease check these steps to find your team ID:!Synapse:syn51156910/wiki/622350
Hi everyone, It is mentioned that we should report our member or team ID while submiting the short paper, but there is no place for that. the only mentioned point is the Team name, is that the same ? thank you.
Hi @ShadowTwin41, You will be able to edit the submission once the testing phase is concluded.
Hi, The submission should be under BraTS2023 track.
Dear organizers, When I searched for " MICCAI 2023 BrainLes Workshop" as written in!Synapse:syn51156910/wiki/622350 I could only find MICCAI BrainLesion workshop 2023. Is this the correct one. I did not find "BRATS" as tracker, only" BRATS 2023", I wonder if this is also the correct. It is not possible to choose "BrainLes" as tracker to submit longer papers, will this be available after the testing phase? Last, the submission of the short paper is the only thing we have to do to participate in the testing phase? Thank you!
Dear @ujjwalbaid , Will the short paper be the final version that will be published in BrainLes workshop proceedings distributed by Springer LNCS? Or we have the opportunity to change it later, after the testing phase, in 30 of November: "Camera-ready submission of extended papers for inclusion in the associated workshop proceedings"? Thank you!
Dear organizers, Is the paper submission anonymous or should we include our names in the submitted pdf? Thank you in advance.
Hi @zjiang, You can mention all tasks in intro and club all the results together.
Hi, I have one follow-up question for you, thank you for your help. If we submit one single paper for multiple tasks (with same methodology), how should we organize the paper? For example, should we mention all the tasks in the introduction? should we present the results and discussions for all the tasks in one paper? Best regards, Zhifan
Hi @duyin, @Absaar, It is mandatory to submit the short summary paper to be eligible for the testing phase of the challenge. You can always OPT-OUT for the publication of the paper.
Dear Synapse organizers, Is it possible that we submit the short paper to participate in the next phase of the competition, however, we do not opt for the publication of the paper in any proceedings since we want to submit the paper to a journal.
Dear Organizing Team, We note that a short paper submission IS REQUIRED in order to be eligible for the next phase of the challenge, that is: evaluating your models against the unseen test cases. The method we used has been submitted on Medical Image Analysis. When we submit a paper, must it be a new paper? Can we use the submitted content?
Hi @zjiang, If you have identical approaches for two tasks then we encourage you to submit single paper but if the approaches are completely different/novel you can submit separate summary papers
Dear Organizing Team, We have one question for you regarding the summary paper. Do we need to submit a different paper for each task if we participate in multiple tasks? Thanks. Best regards, Zhifan

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