I am participant in Task3, and after submitting my results for validation, I received two CSV files. I have a question regarding the evaluation metric "Lesion-wise Dice." Could you please provide some information on how it is calculated? Thank you!

Created by Wang Tzu Xing Gita
Below is an outline of how we perform this analysis - 1. First, we isolate the Lesion Tissues into WT; TC and ET. 2. We perform a dilation on the Ground Truth (GT) labels (for WT; TC and ET) to understand the extent of the lesion. This is mainly done so that when we do connected component analysis; we don't classify small lesions near an "actual" lesion as a new one. An important thing to note is that the GT labels doesn't change in the process. 3. We perform connected component analysis on the Prediction label and compare it component by component to the GT label. 4. We calculate dice scores and HD95 scores for each lesion (or component) individually and we penalize all the False Positives and the False Negatives with a 0 score. Then, we take the mean for the particular CaseID. 5. Each challenge leader has set a volumetric threshold, below which participants' models won't be evaluated for those "small/false" lesions.
Hello @Gita. Thank you for taking part in this year's BraTS challenge. This year we are introducing 2 new performance metrics called lesion-wise dice score and lesion-wise Hausdorff distance-95 (HD95). This is mainly developed to understand the performance of a model at a lesion level and not at an image level. By evaluating models lesion-by-lesion we can understand how well models catch and segment abnormalities, and doesn't bias the results in favor of models that capture only large lesions. Here is the link to the github repo for the performance metrics. https://github.com/rachitsaluja/brats_val_2023. The methods in the repo are used by Synapse on the backend to evaluate your models. Please feel free to ask any questions.
@Gita thanks for participating! @jeffrudie and @rsaluja are the masterminds behind the lesion-wise Dice metric, and hopefully they will provide more detail soon. This gist is that this is a weighted Dice score that takes into account spatially separate lesions (roughly correlating with connected components) that may be present in patients with more than 1 tumor.

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