Hello! Are ASNR-MICCAI-BraTS2023-GLI-Challenge-ValidationData and RSNA_ASNR_MICCAI_BraTS2021_ValidationData the same? I compared them and found that some data are different. For example, BraTS-GLI-00001-000 may be the same as BraTS2021_00001, but BraTS-GLI-00001-000 does not have the same data.

Created by an long dianlongan
@ujjwalbaid Thank you for your answer?The file "BraTS2023_2017_GLI_Mapping.xlsx" only contains mappings for the training set. Where can I download the validation set mapping?
Hi @dianlongan The mapping for the previous dataset and the current year is provided to the participants.

Is the validation data the same as the data used in BraTS'21? page is loading…