##I am getting the same error when trying to login with Token as well as with User name and password **medperf auth synapse_login** MedPerf 0.1.0 How do you want to login? [1] Personal Access Token [2] Username and Password Select an option (1 or 2): 2 username: Aayush2003Gupta password: ?????????????????????????? Traceback (most recent call last) ?????????????????????????? ? /home/ubuntu/aashray/mlcube/medperf/cli/medperf/decorators.py:44 in wrapper ? ? ? ? 41 ? ? except Exception as e: ? ? 42 ? ? ? logging.error("An unexpected error occured. Terminating.") ? ? 43 ? ? ? logging.exception(e) ? ? ? 44 ? ? ? raise e ? ? 45 ? ? finally: ? ? 46 ? ? ? cleanup() ? ? 47 ? ? ? ? ???????????????????????????? locals ???????????????????????????? ? ? ? args = () ? ? ? ? func = ? ? ? ? kwargs = {'username': None, 'password': None, 'token': None} ? ? ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? /home/ubuntu/aashray/mlcube/medperf/cli/medperf/decorators.py:33 in wrapper ? ? ? ? 30 ? def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): ? ? 31 ? ? try: ? ? 32 ? ? ? logging.info(f"Running function '{func.__name__}'") ? ? ? 33 ? ? ? func(*args, **kwargs) ? ? 34 ? ? except CleanExit as e: ? ? 35 ? ? ? logging.info(str(e)) ? ? 36 ? ? ? config.ui.print(str(e)) ? ? ? ? ???????????????????????????? locals ???????????????????????????? ? ? ? args = () ? ? ? ? func = ? ? ? ? kwargs = {'username': None, 'password': None, 'token': None} ? ? ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? /home/ubuntu/aashray/mlcube/medperf/cli/medperf/commands/auth/auth.py:28 in ? ? synapse_login ? ? ? ? 25 ? """Login to the synapse server. ? ? 26 ? Provide either a username and a password, or a token ? ? 27 ? """ ? ? ? 28 ? SynapseLogin.run(username=username, password=password, token=token) ? ? 29 ? config.ui.print("? Done!") ? ? 30 ? ? 31 ? ? ? ? ????? locals ?????? ? ? ? password = None ? ? ? ? token = None ? ? ? ? username = None ? ? ? ??????????????????? ? ? ? ? /home/ubuntu/aashray/mlcube/medperf/cli/medperf/commands/auth/synapse_login.py:21 ? ? in run ? ? ? ? 18 ? ? ? if method == "1": ? ? 19 ? ? ? ? cls.login_with_token() ? ? 20 ? ? ? elif method == "2": ? ? ? 21 ? ? ? ? cls.login_with_password() ? ? 22 ? ? ? else: ? ? 23 ? ? ? ? raise InvalidArgumentError("Invalid input. Select either numbe ? ? 24 ? ? else: ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????? locals ?????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? cls = ? ? ? ? method = '2' ? ? ? ? msg = 'How do you want to login?\n[1] Personal Access Token\n[2] Username ? ? ? ? and Password\nSe'+25 ? ? ? ? password = None ? ? ? ? token = None ? ? ? ? username = None ? ? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? /home/ubuntu/aashray/mlcube/medperf/cli/medperf/commands/auth/synapse_login.py:43 ? ? in login_with_password ? ? ? ? 40 ? ? ? ? 41 ? ? syn = synapseclient.Synapse() ? ? 42 ? ? try: ? ? ? 43 ? ? ? syn.login(username, password, rememberMe=True) ? ? 44 ? ? except SynapseAuthenticationError: ? ? 45 ? ? ? raise CommunicationAuthenticationError("Invalid Synapse credential ? ? 46 ? ? ? ? ???????????????????????????????? locals ????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? cls = ? ? ? ? password = 'PgVg2003*' ? ? ? ? syn = ? ? ? ? username = 'Aayush2003Gupta' ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? /home/ubuntu/anaconda/envs/cube/lib/python3.9/site-packages/synapseclient/client.py ? ? :432 in login ? ? ? ? 429 ? ? ? ? 430 ? ? # Save the API key in the cache ? ? 431 ? ? if rememberMe: ? ? ? 432 ? ? ? delete_stored_credentials(self.credentials.username) ? ? 433 ? ? ? self.credentials.store_to_keyring() ? ? 434 ? ? ? cached_sessions.set_most_recent_user(self.credentials.username) ? ? 435 ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????? locals ?????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? apiKey = None ? ? ? ? authToken = None ? ? ? ? credential_provider_chain = ? ? ? ? email = 'Aayush2003Gupta' ? ? ? ? forced = False ? ? ? ? password = 'PgVg2003*' ? ? ? ? rememberMe = True ? ? ? ? self = ? ? ? ? sessionToken = None ? ? ? ? silent = False ? ? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? /home/ubuntu/anaconda/envs/cube/lib/python3.9/site-packages/synapseclient/core/cred ? ? entials/cred_data.py:190 in delete_stored_credentials ? ? ? ? 187 ? Delete all credentials stored to the keyring. ? ? 188 ? """ ? ? 189 ? for credential_cls in (SynapseApiKeyCredentials, SynapseAuthTokenCredenti ? ? ? 190 ? ? creds = credential_cls.get_from_keyring(username) ? ? 191 ? ? if creds: ? ? 192 ? ? ? creds.delete_from_keyring() ? ? 193 ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????? locals ?????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? credential_cls = 'SynapseCredentials': ? ? ? 35 ? ? secret = keyring.get_password(cls.get_keyring_service_name(), usernam ? ? 36 ? ? return cls(secret, username) if secret else None ? ? 37 ? ? ? 38 ? def delete_from_keyring(self): ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????? locals ?????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? cls = ? ? ? ? username = 'Aayush2003Gupta' ? ? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? /home/ubuntu/anaconda/envs/cube/lib/python3.9/site-packages/keyring/core.py:55 in ? ? get_password ? ? ? ? 52 ? ? 53 def get_password(service_name: str, username: str) -> typing.Optional[str]: ? ? 54 ? """Get password from the specified service.""" ? ? ? 55 ? return get_keyring().get_password(service_name, username) ? ? 56 ? ? 57 ? ? 58 def set_password(service_name: str, username: str, password: str) -> None: ? ? ? ? ??????????????? locals ?????????????????? ? ? ? service_name = 'SYNAPSE.ORG_CLIENT' ? ? ? ? username = 'Aayush2003Gupta' ? ? ? ??????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? /home/ubuntu/anaconda/envs/cube/lib/python3.9/site-packages/keyring/backends/chaine ? ? r.py:51 in get_password ? ? ? ? 48 ? ? ? 49 ? def get_password(self, service, username): ? ? 50 ? ? for keyring in self.backends: ? ? ? 51 ? ? ? password = keyring.get_password(service, username) ? ? 52 ? ? ? if password is not None: ? ? 53 ? ? ? ? return password ? ? 54 ? ? ? ? ???????????????????????????????????? locals ????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? keyring = ? ? ? ? self = ? ? ? ? service = 'SYNAPSE.ORG_CLIENT' ? ? ? ? username = 'Aayush2003Gupta' ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? /home/ubuntu/anaconda/envs/cube/lib/python3.9/site-packages/keyring/backends/Secret ? ? Service.py:78 in get_password ? ? ? ? 75 ? ? ? 76 ? def get_password(self, service, username): ? ? 77 ? ? """Get password of the username for the service""" ? ? ? 78 ? ? collection = self.get_preferred_collection() ? ? 79 ? ? with closing(collection.connection): ? ? 80 ? ? ? items = collection.search_items({"username": username, "service": ? ? 81 ? ? ? for item in items: ? ? ? ? ???????????????????????????????????? locals ???????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? self = ? ? ? ? service = 'SYNAPSE.ORG_CLIENT' ? ? ? ? username = 'Aayush2003Gupta' ? ? ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? /home/ubuntu/anaconda/envs/cube/lib/python3.9/site-packages/keyring/backends/Secret ? ? Service.py:67 in get_preferred_collection ? ? ? ? 64 ? ? if collection.is_locked(): ? ? 65 ? ? ? collection.unlock() ? ? 66 ? ? ? if collection.is_locked(): # User dismissed the prompt ? ? ? 67 ? ? ? ? raise KeyringLocked("Failed to unlock the collection!") ? ? 68 ? ? return collection ? ? 69 ? ? ? 70 ? def unlock(self, item): ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????? locals ????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? bus = ? ? ? ? collection = ? ? ? ? self = ? ? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? **KeyringLocked: Failed to unlock the collection!** @vchung @ujjwalbaid

Created by Sourav Saini SouravSaini
@hasank, Unfortunately, I have not come across this message. I tried to reproduce the error, but was unable to, even on a fresh VM. @SouravSaini , can you provide a little more context about your environment? e.g. python version, conda version, etc.
@vchung Have you seen this error before? MedPerf uses `synapseclient==2.7.0`
Hi, I was also getting the same error. I solved it using synapse config
I am using the following command to run the test of mlcube ``` PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.null.Keyring medperf auth synapse_login \ && PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.null.Keyring medperf test run --demo_dataset_url synapse:syn52276402 --demo_dataset_hash "16526 \ 543134396b0c8fd0f0428be7c96f2142a66" -p ./test_mlcubes/prep_segmentation -m ./nnunet_met/mlcube/ -e ./test_mlcubes/eval_segmentation --offline --no-cache ``` I am getting the following output ``` MedPerf 0.1.0 How do you want to login? [1] Personal Access Token [2] Username and Password Select an option (1 or 2): 1 access token: Welcome, SAHAJ MISTRY! ? Done! MedPerf 0.1.0 Retrieving Model cube > Model cube download complete Retrieving Evaluator cube > Evaluator cube download complete ? There was an attempt to download resources from the Synapse platform, but couldn't find Synapse credentials. Did you run 'medperf auth synapse_login' before?. ``` @hasank @ujjwalbaid
@SouravSaini Was your issue resolved?
I solved this issue by setting environment variable PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.null.Keyring

[ERROR] : medperf auth synapse_login page is loading…