Dear @BraTS2023Participants , With this year's new technologies (MedPerf, MLCubes), we recognize that some teams may be experiencing technical difficulties. With that, we are happy to **extend the MLCube Submission Phase deadline to this Friday, 8/25, at 23:59 UTC.** Given the timeline to the MICCAI conference, this will be a hard deadline - no further extensions will be given. Once again, top-performing teams of all the challenges will be provided MonetaryAwards/Certificates at the conclusion of the challenge. If you have any questions regarding setting up MedPerf or creating a MLCube, please redirect them to the newly-created [MLCubes megathread](!Synapse:syn51156910/discussion/threadId=10464) or by creating a **New Thread**. CC: @ujjwalbaid

Created by Verena Chung vchung

[Update] MLCube submission deadline extension page is loading…