We are in the process of publishing this paper. We have generated a lot of synthetic (2D) brain tumor images with 5 channels (T1w, T1w contrast, T2w, T2w FLAIR, tumor segmentation annotations), when training 2D generative image models on the open BraTS dataset (2020 + 2021). The journal Scientific Data asks if we can share these synthetic images. We have generated 100,000 five-channel images per generative model, so in total it is about 1,000,000 five-channel images, or 5,000,000 png files. Are we allowed to share these synthetic images? Are we allowed to share the trained generative models? https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.02986

Created by Anders Eklund wanderine
Hi @wanderine, You can share the synthetic images. Make sure you follow the data usage policy that is given here:https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn51156910/wiki/622360

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