## This information is only for those participants that could successfully submitted the Docker Containers in the testing phase. ## Dear BraTS Challenge participants, Thank you for your participation in BraTS2023 Challenge. Because of some logistic issues the review process and camera-ready submission is delayed by 4-5 weeks. We are stating the review process and will be reaching out to the lead authors with invitation to review the manuscripts by other participants. New timeline for the challenge is as follows: Review Process starts : First week of December Reviews shared with teams: Mid December Camera-ready submission: End December. Feel free to reach out at ubaid@iu.edu for any question. Regards, Ujjwal [On behalf of Organizing Team]

Created by Ujjwal Baid ujjwalbaid
Hello, @ShadowTwin41 We haven't received any updates regarding the papers so far Best,
Dear all, Have you received any update regarding the papers? Also, is there some place where the winners are announced? Best, André
Dear organizer, How can we know if our papers are reviewed? Thank you so much! Best Hui
Hello @yaziciz , I haven't received it as well. Best,
Hello, I have not received any update yet, either. To be sure I do not miss anything, has anyone received the review feedback for their paper? Best,
Dear Organizer, When will the papers be published? Best Hui
Dear all, Did you receive any further information regarding the "camera ready papers"? I have received three papers already. Is there anything else I am missing? Best wishes, André Ferreira
@ujjwalbaid Dear Organizer, Is there any update on the process? It is about half month past end of December and not receiving any update via email. Regards, Ke CHEN
@ShadowTwin41 same here
Dear all, I did not receive any review yet. When I login in the review system, it is in the "Bidding" stage. Is something wrong with my platform or did I not receive some email? Best regards, André Ferreira
Hello, Yes, I think so. It didn't change yet, it is in the bidding stage. Best wishes, André Ferreira
Hello, Yes, I think so. And We have to bid on 3-4 articles too, right? Best wishes, Agus SA
Hello, I'm not sure as well. I think it is still in the Bidding stage, am I right? Best Wishes, André Ferreira
Hi What is the deadline for peer review? Best Hui
Dear Ujjwal, Thanks for updating the schedule. Currently not receiving the invitation via email yet. Are there any conditions for whether articles are included or not in the review process? Thank you. Agus SA
Dear organizers, On the website the deadline for the camera ready submission is on 30 November, but here you say end December. What data should we follow? Best wishes, André Ferreira

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