Hello! I have been experimenting with BraTS2023 training data. So I need to compare the results with the experiment using BraTS2021 training data. So, is the MRI image and ground truth of the 1251 training data of BraTS2021 and BraTS2023 exactly the same? And if the data is different, where can I get the BraTS2021 data?

Created by Masaki Nishimura masaki.n
Hi, You can download the mapping file from here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn51615438
Hello, I want to obtain the file mapping between BraTS2021 and BraTS2023, but I cannot access the web page you provided.
Hi, We have provided segmentation in nifti format only.
Hi, Yes i have noticed this dataset but it doesn't have segmentation files. I need to validate a machine learning algorithm that only accepts DICOM ans not NIFTI. I need the segmentation files to compare the result from the model.
Hi, Check here for data in Dicom format: https://www.kaggle.com/c/rsna-miccai-brain-tumor-radiogenomic-classification/overview/acknowledgments
Hello, I am currently using the BraTS 2021 dataset for validation of an machine learning algorithm. The algorithm only listens to DICOM files for input. The data here and on kaggle are NIFTI. When I tried converting with converters on the internet it gave me a DICOM file for every layer of each NIFTI file. Is there any data with DICOM extension? Or is there a way to go from 1 NIFTI to 1 DICOM (One to one not one to many)? Thanks, Simeon
Hi, No additional metadata is provided.
I have a task to compare BraTS 2020 with the most updated BraTS dataset. But I have a few questions: Are the labels in BraTS 2020 like BraTS 2021? Because then it would be better to use BraTS 2021 because of the major chances of labels in BraTS 2023 and the training data is the same in BraTS 2021 and BraTS 2023 as you said. And there is no metadata from BraTS 2023 you said, is there metadata from BraTS 2021?
@Simeon_H, I forwarded your question to the organizers and they have confirmed that metadata will not be provided for the challenge dataset.
Is the metadata also the same and if so, how can i download it?
@masaki.n , @ujjwalbaid can correct me if I'm wrong, but yes, the training data is the same between 2021 and 2023, with one major change: enhancing tumors (ET) are labeled with '3', not '4'. The [mapping file for BraTS 2021 to BraTS 2023 is available here](syn51615438) for your reference.

Is the Training data (including GT) exactly the same for 2021 and 2023? page is loading…