Hi there, Is the metadata available for the brats data? In particular, I'm interested in acquisition parameters used for the various sequences, on a per subject basis. These may be in the dicoms but I'm not sure if these are made available. Thanks, Mark

Created by Mark Graham markg
Hi, I must appreciate your observation. There was no issue with the images and the quality of GT for those specific 4 cases. We have hold out these four cases for internal quality check.
Thank you @vchung ! Regarding the Glioma Mapping file provided, I noticed that 4 Scans that were sourced from the IvyGAP Dataset and included in the BraTS 2020 have been excluded in the 2021 and 2023 BraTS challenge (see bottom of excel file). Is there any information as to why this is the case (e.g. poor quality)? Many thanks Niklas
@markg , @nwoebs - Thanks for your interest! Challenge organizers have confirmed that metadata will not be provided.
Hi, piggy-backing off this, I would also be interested in the meta data (age, sex, overall survival etc.), specifically for the Glioma Data. Is this in anyway available @vchung ? Thanks Niklas

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