Hi, I was wondering why the adult glioma evaluation queuesuddenly stopped returning results, only showing acceptance status.

Created by ruihao zhang zrh123
Hi, I have a question for you. In the process of submitting adult human glioma, the question "beyond the time allowed for submission" appeared. Does it mean that the segmentation task of adult human glioma in 2023 cannot be carried out? I hope to get your answer in my spare time.
Hello, now that the brain tumor segmentation Challenge has ended, I would like to ask whether the adult glioma segmentation verification platform can still be used in the future, and I will need to use it in future research. I hope to get your reply.
@zrh123 , Thanks for notifying us! There was a recent update to the server that required some maintenance. Submissions are now being processed in the order that they came; please give up to 24 hours for your submission to be evaluated.
Hello, sorry to bother you again, it seems that the adult glioma evaluation queue has a similar problem, that is, it suddenly stops returning results and only shows acceptance status. If you have time, I hope you can take a look.My submission IDs are 9744583.
I'm sorry, but the last problem has been solved. The last time the platform queue processing was slow, I thought there was a problem, but it turned out there was no problem.
@zrh123 , Apologies for that! Can you let me know which submission IDs are idle and/or not returning the results?
Hello, sorry to bother you again, it seems that the adult glioma evaluation queue has a similar problem, that is, it suddenly stops returning results and only shows acceptance status. If you have time, I hope you can take a look.
@zrh123 , Thank you for the notice! I just restarted the server that was running the evaluation, and submissions should be processed shortly. Please give up to 24 hours for your submissions to be evaluated, as there is currently a small backlog.

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