Dear @vchung and @ujjwalbaid, I am giving the quiz to become the certified synapse user, but there are issues in the quiz page. I am always getting a specific response page of answers, which I tried earlier. I am not getting the response for the quiz which I retook for the correction. Request to look into the matter. Thank you.

Created by Rupal Kapdi Rupal_Kapdi
@Rupal_Kapdi , Upon a closer inspection, I can see that you are already a Certified User, therefore, you will not need to submit the quiz again. Apologies for the confusion!
@Rupal_Kapdi , Thank you for clarifying. I will take a closer look and will let you know of possible solutions.
@vchung, Thank you for your reply. Yes, I have trouble in re-submitting the quiz. When I resubmit, I get the evaluation of some random submission which might be done previously by me. Request to look into this matter. Thank you.
@Rupal_Kapdi , Thank you for reaching out! And my apologies, I don't quite understand your question: are you having troubles re-submitting the quiz?

Issue in the synapse certified user quiz page is loading…