Hi, I have a question for you. In the process of submitting adult human glioma, the question "beyond the time allowed for submission" appeared. Does it mean that the segmentation task of adult human glioma in 2023 cannot be carried out? I hope to get your answer in my spare time.

Created by ruihao zhang zrh123
@vchung Hello, I found that the BraTS 2023: Segmentation - Adult Glioma submission queue cannot be used again. Could you please have a look at it if you have time? I would appreciate it very much.
@wjscurry30 , Apologies for that! The workflow never kicked off when the queues were re-started. I have restarted it this morning, so you should be receiving the results in a first-come, first-served order. If you still do not receive any results after 48 hours, please let us know.
Thank you very much; your efficiency is truly impressive! May i kindly ask how long it typically takes for you to evaluate the submitted prediction results? @vchung
@zrh123 @wjscurry30, The submission queue has been restarted; you may now submit again to the **BraTS 2023: Segmentation - Adult Glioma** submission queue.
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