BraTS 2023


Created By Verena Chung vchung

?[Mega-thread] Data Access
? Segmentation: Adult Glioma evaluation queue now available
?? Meningioma Data Changelog
?? Sub-Sahara-Africa Data Changelog
Prove you are the GOAT: Join the BraTS generalizability segmentation challenge hosted at ISBI 2024!
Review Process and Camera Ready Submission
[inpainting challenge] Announcements and Q&A
?[Mega-thread] MedPerf and MLCube Q&A
?? Metastasis Data Changelog
BraTS 2023 Performance Evaluation and Ranking
Brats Dataset Queries
Adult glioma evaluation submission
Segmentation: Adult glioma evaluation queue is not currently available
image registration
There is a problem when submitting the validation
An error occurred when I submitted my prediction
get the corresponding genomic/clinical data for BraTs images
BRats 2023 training dataset has no segmentation labels?
BraTS2023-MEN-validation queue not available
BraTS2023-MEN-validation request
Number of Cases in Brats-mets.
Tumor types of the BraTS 2023 GLI Dataset
Segmentation: Adult glioma evaluation queue is not available
Regarding Glioma images originating from Site 18
What's rong with BraTS-GLI, failure submission
Case types about the BraTS2023 GLI Dataset
Where can I find the test set?
Could I use the BraTS 2023 dataset in a non-commercial research?
Is the Training data (including GT) exactly the same for 2021 and 2023?
I have a question regarding the "Submit Your Prediction" section in the submission tutorial (Segmentation).
Task 5: What do labels in dataset mean?
Confirmation of Labeling System for BraTS 2023 Meningioma Challenge
Overlapping Classes in BRATS Segmentation Task
Inquiry about BRATS 2023 Dice metric calculation and evaluation approach
Issue in the synapse certified user quiz
Glioma Validation Analysis
Unable to download BraTS 2023 dataset
Brats metadata (acquisition parameters)
Can I access the evaluation for validation set right now?
Look Up for Grading Information
Accessing 2023 Data
Request for access to dataset
Request for dataset
Access to metastases dataset
The data mapping file for the validation set
Request for access to the metastasis data
Haven't received the invitation email.
data access problem
Camera-ready submission of extended papers for inclusion in the associated workshop proceedings
Couldn't submit my files for Brats2023 challenge
Reviewer Responsibilities
Is evaluation on test data possible?
About Evaluation
Data Access
Inquire about participating in the validation phase of the BraTS2021 and BraTS2019 challenges
Brats 2023 Data Access
platform problem
Instructions for submission of short summary paper
The platform cannot be used to validate the predictions of the set
Request download data access
Schedule for BraTS Challenge at MICCAI
Baseline with Auto3DSeg from MONAI: Tutorial.
Share synthetic images
Decisions on short papers
result submission
Error when running the compatibility test for synthesis challenge
MLCube sent but no result returned yet
MLCube tarball submission is invalid
Will validation datasets with ground truth be released?
[ERROR] : medperf auth synapse_login
MLCube unable to access NVIDIA Drivers
[Error] Error after Model Execution Complete
MLCube Windows Work-around
[Update] MLCube submission deadline extension
Chances of Failure during Real testing Phase
errors when medperf test run
[Update] Deadline extension, MLCube Submission, Awards
There was an attempt to download resources from the Synapse platform, but couldn't find Synapse credentials.
MLCube Docker Image
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
Submit the paper
MLCube format
Test phase machine to run MLCube
annotations for validation data
Further deadline extensions
Use of Testing set after Paper submission in BrainLes Miccai Track
Anonymized Short Papers
Input format of testing data
validation data for metastasis segmentation task
How to be sure if our implementation is as perBrats2023 challenge requirements?
Validation of our work
Is the validation data the same as the data used in BraTS'21?
Will there be online oral presentation for the top performed methods?
Saving predictions as Nifti
Validation data for global synthesis challenge
Validation dataset result submission
What are the metrics used for the challenge evaluations?
Segmentation Tensor "Origin"
Question about the evaluation method for the missing modality synthesis challenge
Depth, Width, Height axis Confusion
Task 3: Scoring Algorithm
BraTS_ Glioma score lesionWise_dice difference?
Evaluation of cases with empty labels
Missing queue for submission
How will ranks be calculated?
Task 7: Scoring Algorithm
State of the art Dice score of Brain Tumor Segmentation
Using datasets from one challenge for other challenges
Will deadlines be extended?
Use of BraTS (Pediatric)
Validation phase starting date
Format of the segmentation files
BraTS 2021 dataset
BraTS2023-GLI-Challenge Validation Segmentation is Missing
When will the validation set of PED be released?
Task 3 Meningioma: Some of the MRIs are partially visible
Question about segmentation output for submission
BraTS-MRI-Synthesis Missing modality task
Choosing the winners
Task 1 Annotator IDs
get data of BraTS 2021
Task 1 Scanner Info
Brats2023 task1 file naming

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