Hi, I have looked over the Task 1 data, and I have several questions regarding them: - Some symptoms are represented as 0.0 (assumed to not express the symptom), while some are represented as blanks - Are blank data considered identical as 0.0 ? - 314 patients (among 741 patients) do not have **any symptoms** (excluding the CSHQ scales) - Is data missing for these patients, or are they intended? Thank you very much.

Created by Won Chan Jeong wonchanjeong
Hi @wonchanjeong , in the Task 1 dataset, 0 values represent negative responses to the survey questions, as a subset of the participants have not completed all of the survey questions; the missing responses are noted as blanks in the data. The degree of missingness in the data is one of the obstacles to determining the significance of the reported symptoms. I hope this information helps, good luck!

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