Hi, I have a quick question regarding the scheduled timeline of the challenge. Based on the schedule, the leaderboard round ends at 7/24 and the Final round ends at 8/16. Normally, after a leaderboard round ends, there usually is a short period of time for an evaluation on the leaderboard round submissions, and teams that are qualified proceed to the final round. But the proposed timeline does not involve any information on what those two rounds actually mean, and it sounds like there are no differences between the two rounds. Can you please clarify on the two different rounds?

Created by Won Chan Jeong wonchanjeong
Hi @wonchanjeong, Participants can use the leaderboard round to get feedback on their methods using the validation data. During the final round, participants make their final submission based on what they?ve learned, and the method is evaluated on a new set of testing data. This will be used to make the final ranking of the methods.

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