Hello Everyone, We are looking for team members to join us for Task 3. I am a graduate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and my team members include another graduate student from Carnegie Mellon University and an Assistant Professor from John Hopkins. Please reply if you are looking for a team to join.

Created by Shivang Khandelwal RabiAlkun
Thanks Karmen. Actually I tried reaching out to participants but didnt receive a response. Let me know if you find out any interested person to join our team.
I asked the group of people who attended today's session if any of them with a data analytics background has interest in joining your team. I also asked a couple of them to let grad students in their departments know that there is an opportunity to join a team. You might also consider reaching out to the individual registrants who are not yet members of a team: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn51198355/wiki/622459 Karmen
Hey @karmen.trzupek , We are looking for a data analyst!! Can you help me find one!
Hi Rabi. Can you tell us what kind of expertise you are most looking for? We are happy to reach out for you and try to find clinical researchers or data analysts who might be interested in helping your team! Thanks- Karmen

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