@RAREXParticipants Join us for an online office hour - Xcelerate RARE Task 3 on Wednesday, Jul 26 2023 at 10:30 AM PDT. This event is designed to help you excel in your challenge submissions. Whether you're already working on the challenge tasks or are still considering joining the challenge, this office hour is for everyone interested in this open science data challenge! During this session, we will focus on Task 3 of the Xcelerate RARE Open Science Data Challenge. Bring your questions and the challenge organizers will guide you through the process and provide clarifications to help you tackle these tasks effectively. Mark your calendars and join us online for Office Hour - Xcelerate RARE Task 3 on Wednesday Jul 26 2023 at 10:30 AM PDT. See you there! Please visit the [RARE-X event registration page](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/680987450797) to register before Wednesday, July 26th!

Created by Maria Diaz mdsage1

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