Hi @RAREXTask3DataAccess participants, A reminder/clarification on the Task 3 Data: the analysis from Netramark includes a processed data table and Variable Map that will differ from the full data set. This data set is useful for following their example submission, but for your own analysis, the full data set will have more of the raw data. If you have questions on the variable coding or details on the survey fields, the full data set is the authoritative source.

Created by Jake Albrecht albrecht
Hi @dengkw , you can ignore those disease codes (9346 : Other, 9376 : dyskinesia, 5371 : Idiopathic sleepiness) in your analysis. You only need to consider the OSDC Disease codes for the challenge task.
Hi @albrecht, The disease ID file "RareXCompetitionDiseaseDictionary - OSDC Diseases" seems to have missed several diseases, such as 9346, 9376, and 5371. We find them in the processed Netra-AI and raw data but can not find their disease information. Could you help us check on that? Thank you very much! Best, Kaiwen

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