I tried to submit our writeup (we used a separate Word document for formatting reasons) and it was rejected because it should be a Synapse Project, not a file. However I was not able to select the project itself. Project is syn52292392. I then tried to select the code notebook, but it says that our team has reached the submission quota.

Created by Jessica X. Chong jxchong
Thanks but that?s what I meant. I thought I would be able to upload multiple files as I couldn?t figure out how to select the project folder (I kept clicking the folder link which obviously didn?t work). Later I tried to correct the submission to the project folder but your system was buggy - it simultaneously rejected it as invalid but also accepted it as valid enough to stop me from putting in a correct submission.
Hi @jxchong , thanks for reaching out, we will review your submission attempt- if valid we can include it for evaluation
I just clicked around some more and eventually realized you have to click on the id in order to select the project. But I still can't resubmit because it says our team already submitted its quota (and the submission failed). I don't see a way to resubmit.

Can't figure out how to submit project for Task1 page is loading…