Dear Sir/Mam, There are few cases where the ground truth segmentation for particular classes(for e.g. extra-meatal) does not exist in all scans. I wanted to know how the ASSD metric is calculated in such scenarios. Thank you so much for your help. Best Regards, Santosh Sanjeev

Created by Santosh Sanjeev santosh04sanjeev
Ok thats great! Thank you for the clarification. Best Regards, Santosh Sanjeev
Hi, When the structure is present is not present in the ground truth, the metric (dice and assd both) is ignored if it also not present in the predicted mask and is not considered when calculating the average metrics for ranking. If the structure is present in the ground truth, but not present in the predicted mask, a max value of 350 is assigned to the assd metric. If the structure is present in both ground truth and predicted mask, the ASSD and Dice both are calculated appropriately. Let me know if you need more clarification. Best, Navodini

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