Congratulations to the winners of #CrossMoDA 2023, @Vandy365 Han Liu and the incredible team from Vanderbilt University, USA! ? We're thrilled to announce that we successfully organized the CrossMoDA challenge for the third consecutive time, in conjunction with the #MICCAI 2024. This year, we introduced a multi-institutional, heterogeneous dataset with a challenging 3-class segmentation task. A total of 13 teams from 8 different countries participated in the validation phase, and we were delighted to see 6 teams in the testing phase, showcasing promising results in tackling the complex challenge we set forth. Special thanks to the British Acoustic Neuroma Association for sponsoring CrossMoDA 2023. Your support has been invaluable! None of this would have been possible without the incredible teamwork and dedication of our organizing team and the participants. Kudos to all! ?

Created by Navodini Wijethilake Navodini
You can find the Testing Phase leader board [here](!Synapse:syn51236108/wiki/624029). Congrats again for everyone who made it to the testing phase!

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