I'm trying to add rsID information to pQTL summary statistics and then use those rsIDs to match the variants with data from another study. Initially, I didn't know that there are 'SNP RSID maps' folder in 'Metadata', so I added rsIDs by running Ensembl-VEP, using the 'Existing_Variation' column from the output. Later, I found the 'SNP RSID maps' folder and compared rsids, but the rsIDs did not match the ones I had obtained from Ensembl-VEP, even for variants with the same chromosome, position, reference allele, and alternative allele (Around 1/10 of all variants did not match). The data from the other study I want to match already has a rsID column, and sometimes all three datasets ( Ensembl-VEP, result, RSID from this database, and the other study's) have non-matching rsIDs. I checked that I'm using GRCh38 position in all steps. When I search individual variants on dbSNP the results do not match rsids from 'SNP RSID maps' folder but match the results of Ensembl-VEP annotation. I would like to insert examples but it seems like I'm unable to insert images to this post so I'm inserting the URL link to my biostars post instead: https://www.biostars.org/p/9592078/ Could anyone help me find out what's wrong? Thank you.

Created by Sooyeon Lee lsys

How were the SNP RSID maps files generated? Sometimes it does not seem to match Ensembl-VEP result or dbSNP. page is loading…