###Hi, there: ### I could not find the pWAS summary statistics for CRP. Was it NOT measured? I thought that CRP is a quite important protein... ###Also, based on textbook and Chat-GPT, **the ABO gene produces two functional enzymes (proteins) **corresponding to the A and B alleles **and a non-functional protein** for the O allele. So, which protein/enzyme is measured for the "ABO" entry listed as **ABO_P16442_OID30675_v1_Inflammation_II**.? ### Finally, I am wondering a very basic question: **shoudn't every protein have an ABO (or ABCDE) -like subtype**, since protein trancating and splicing variants could **change the proteins' structure (not its quantity)**? ###For example, a missense variant in the **_CRP_** gene might have changed the CRP protein structure at a key location so that the Olink platform could not fully detect it. Imagine, the barcodes of some used pants at a Walmart store was damaged, therefore the scanner can only detect and count those pants with a readable barcode. However, all pants are there. Some of those pants with a bad barcode might be more expensive and special, since more people touched it and therefore the barcode got messed up ... ###I hope someone could shed some light on this. ### Thank you & Best regards, ###Jie

Created by jie huang jiehuang001

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