Dear CMRxRecon Participants,
This is an update for CMRxRecon challenge paper submission. Please follow the instructions below when preparing and submitting your formal manuscripts.
1.Deadlines. The deadline for the formal paper submission is 14 August 2022 and all submitted manuscripts will be reviewed on a rolling basis (first-come first-review, and first-accept). We aim to get back to you with reviewer comments and decisions within 5 working days.
2.How to submit. To simplify the procedure we request the corresponding author to send their submission directly to our mails ( Please indicate your team name and the placeholder paper ID in EquinOCS system in the email subject. A blind PDF/WORD version of the manuscript should be attached to the email for peer-review.
3.Contents of the paper. The manuscript should follow the LNCS template from Springer and the manuscript is limited to 8 pages (text, tables and figures)and up to 2 pages for references. Please note that the manuscript should be anonymized. We expect your manuscript to include introduction, methods, experiment settings, results, and discussions or conclusions parts. The content of workshop papers may not be entirely consistent with the methods used in the competition, and algorithms can be updated after submission. You have the chance to add the performance on the unseen validation/test set after the on-site release.
4.On-site presentations. All accepted papers will be invited for poster presentations and the top-performing teams will be invited to give oral presentations at the STACOM Workshop.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thanks a lot for your support!
Best regards,
CMRxRecon Team