we are not sure what we are doing wron, but we cannot download the detailed logs mentioned in the notification e-mail.
An example would be https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn52049611
How can we get download permission to the log files of our submisisons?
Thank you,
Team jabber
Created by Andreas Kofler jabber I am sorry about that I have a wrong setting on the permission. I have updated the settings now, please try again. Glad to got your reply!!! Currently the access permissions are:
All registered Synapse users Can view
CMRxRecon Organizers Can view
@CMRxRecon Administrator
@hyikesong Administrator
At least the submitting team (Or all of "CMRxRecon Participants", https://www.synapse.org/#!Team:3472052) should have 'Can download' rights.. Or how else could be view the logs?
(Our results are reported as None in the Email and we do not know why...) 
This is shown if we try to download it Thank you for the response. I still cannot access the file. I am sure I am logged in, as I can still comment on this issue ... Hello, please make sure your Synapse account is logged in. The login duration for Synapse is relatively short, you may be logged out at that second, and therefore can only preview the contents of the .zip file.