Dear organizers, I tried to make a few submissions to evaluate the performance of T1 mapping reconstruction with acceleration factors 8/10, but the evaluation result on the leaderboard always shows num_file 0/59. I downloaded the detailed logs and found that the evaluation procedure successfully found the files of the 59 validation subjects, and the resulting metrics like PSNR and NMSE also look reasonable. So, I would like to ask if you have any clue on what was going wrong with these submissions 9738684 and 9738829. The following is a snippet from the detailed logs of submission 9738829, which indicates that all 59 prediction files for T1_10_Multi have been found. But the leaderboard shows that num_file is 0/59. Thank you for your help. Kind regards, Yidong ```json "T1_10_Multi": { "flag_folder": 4, "missing_folders": [], "submit_folders": [ "P001", "P002", "P003", "P004", "P005", "P006", "P007", "P008", "P009", "P010", "P011", "P012", "P013", "P014", "P015", "P016", "P017", "P018", "P019", "P020", "P021", "P022", "P023", "P024", "P025", "P026", "P027", "P028", "P029", "P030", "P031", "P032", "P033", "P034", "P035", "P036", "P037", "P038", "P039", "P040", "P041", "P042", "P043", "P044", "P046", "P047", "P048", "P049", "P050", "P051", "P052", "P053", "P054", "P055", "P056", "P057", "P058", "P059", "P060" ], "flag_file": 4, "different_sizes": [], "missing_files": [], "openfail_files": [], "complete_folders": [ "P001", "P002", "P003", "P004", "P005", "P006", "P007", "P008", "P009", "P010", "P011", "P012", "P013", "P014", "P015", "P016", "P017", "P018", "P019", "P020", "P021", "P022", "P023", "P024", "P025", "P026", "P027", "P028", "P029", "P030", "P031", "P032", "P033", "P034", "P035", "P036", "P037", "P038", "P039", "P040", "P041", "P042", "P043", "P044", "P046", "P047", "P048", "P049", "P050", "P051", "P052", "P053", "P054", "P055", "P056", "P057", "P058", "P059", "P060" ], "num_task_file": 59, "num_gt_file": 59 } ```

Created by Yidong Zhao salzburg
We have discovered an issue with the code regarding the 8x and 10x file count in T2map. However, this does not affect the scoring results. We have fixed the problem now.
We have checked your log files and noticed that you may only submitted the results from AF=10. The reconstructed images will all acceleration factors should be uploaded so that a valid score will be calculated. Best regards, CMRxRecon Team

Evaluation problem: num_files 0/59 page is loading…