Hi, I'm attempting to download several data zip files, including those exceeding 40 GB in size. However, when I use either the file download or programmatic methods, I encounter a "502 Bad Gateway" error message. This issue has arisen recently; previously, I could download these files without any problems. Could you please confirm that this issue is not isolated to my end? Example files (not stored on synapse native storage): - SingleCoil.zip - AccFactor10.zip - AccFactor08.zip

Created by Fuad Noman fuad.noman
Sure, we will check the problem.
Thanks for the feedback @CMRxRecon. I attempted to use the most straightforward methods outlined in the Data Download instructions. 1. **Synapse: [Here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn51476555)** Unfortunately, the data appears to be no longer available for download. I encountered issues when trying to download ValidationSet.zip both through my browser and programmatically from [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn51729244). 2. **One Drive:** Regrettably, the data also seems to be unavailable for download. I encountered similar challenges with this platform. 3. **Google Drive:** I successfully downloaded the majority of data files from Google Drive manually via the browser. However, "FullSample9.zip" is conspicuously missing from the "TrainingSet" folder. 4. **Baidu Netdisk:** Creating a Baidu account proved to be a bit challenging without a local phone number. Despite the hurdles, I successfully created an account and found the "FullSample9" files available for download. To clarify, "FullSample9.zip" was not accessible on Google Drive but is available on Baidu Netdisk.
Can you provide us more details about the problem of "FullSample9.zip" ? Since we have not received any similar feedback before. @mnfuad3
Please follow the download steps in https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn51471091/wiki/622256.
Please ignore this thread as I have managed to download the dataset from the provided gDrive shared folder. However, the "FullSample9.zip" is missing from the TrainigSet.

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