1. Test Dataset shares the same intrinsic camera parameter at config.yaml, which was missing in the previous sample. We?ve added the config.yaml in the new version of sample data 2. The image below is the 1.png in the LND sample_test dataset. To be noticed, the part circled in redline does not belong to the instrument. It's part of the marker attachment which should be ignored. To make sure the inpainting algorithm will not affect the instrument's appearance, we leave a gap between the instrument and the inpainting area. ${imageLink?synapseId=syn52538066&align=None&scale=100&responsive=true&altText=} 3. Both visualization.py and sample test datasets have been updated to show the mask 3D model projection on the image given the pose. 4. The original rotation error calculation will cause a error given a large angle value. New calculation methods have been updated in the [evaluate.py](https://github.com/CVRS-Hamlyn/SurgRIPETest/blob/master/evaluate.py) on the github repo. ****

Created by HAOZHENG XU haozheng

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