

Created By NF Service nf-osi-service

assay: RNA-seq
studyId: syn4939918
dataType: AlignedReads
platform: Illumina HiSeq 3000
workflow: STAR and Salmon
Component: RNASeqTemplate
studyName: Differentiation of NF1 heterozygous and NF1 homozygous iPS cells into cells of the Neural Crest-Schwann cell lineage
tumorType: Not Applicable
fileFormat: bam
initiative: Open Proposal Program
specimenID: EXP10_5PNFiPS_30
totalReads: 57458956.0
dataSubtype: processed
individualID: IGTP_5
resourceType: experimentalData
workflowLink: https://nf-co.re/rnaseq/3.11.2/output#star-and-salmon
fundingAgency: NTAP
genomicReference: GRCh38
averageInsertSize: 1186.2
averageReadLength: 144.0
averageBaseQuality: 38.5
readsMappedPercent: 100.0
pairsOnDifferentChr: 0.0
readsDuplicatedPercent: 53.80770928034265
specimenPreparationMethod: Fresh collected

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