I noticed that in the BrainLat_Demographic_MRI some subjects, such as sub-AR00001 do not have a corresponding folder under MRI data/AR. In fact, in the MRI/BrainLat_dataset_NewIDs/participants.tsv the list of participants corresponding to AR matches the ones found in BrainLat_Demographic_MRI but do not match to any folder names in MRI/BrainLat_dataset_NewIDs (for the ARs it starts counting from AR00162) rather than AR00001. Should we sort the names of the ids in the new Ids folder and these numerically match the ordering found in the participants? tsv file? I've done some digging and correlation between IDs and I believe that at least these MRI images from the AR dataset folder are missing: ![Missing IDs](https://i.postimg.cc/mhZ0pK3L/image-1.png) Also, I've also discovered that there are missing healthy control MRI datasets as well (subjects that have both EEG and MRI recordings): ![Missing Healthy IDs](https://i.postimg.cc/zVV48WP4/image-2.png)

Created by Matthew Chen MatthewChen
me too getting the same problem also i am not understanding how do we sort the data
Bonjour, Je voudrais savoir comment je peux télécharger cette base de données. Pourriez-vous me donner des instructions ou m'orienter ver Merci d'avance pour votre aide !

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