CTF-UCF-Cenix Complete Compound Drug Screen


Created By Anh Nguyet Vu avu

title: CTF-UCF-Cenix Complete Compound Drug Screen for anti-NF2 Candidates
creator: NF-OSI
studyId: syn5562324
description: MS01 and MS11 mouse Schwann cells (NF2-/- and NF2 wild-type) were screened with 95 different drugs and vehicle conditions for 48 hours in an 8-point dose response format. The screen also included a 30 minute incubation wih 10uM EdU to assess DNA replication in all conditions. At the end of the incubation period, phenotypic measurements were performed with an automated microscope.
fundingAgency: CTF
yearProcessed: 2015
yearPublished: 2023

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