

Created By Robert Allaway allawayr

assay: RNA-seq
tissue: unspecified
species: Homo sapiens
studyId: syn51907739
cellType: schwann
dataType: AlignedReads
platform: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
workflow: STAR and Salmon
Component: RNASeqTemplate
aliquotID: NCH1 chunk a
diagnosis: Schwannomatosis
studyName: Bromodomain Inhibitors to Prevent Development of Resistance to Targeted Kinase Inhibitors in Schwannomas
tumorType: Schwannoma
fileFormat: bam
initiative: Investigator-Initiated Research Award
isCellLine: Yes
specimenID: NCH1 chunk a
totalReads: 60706399
dataSubtype: processed
nf1Genotype: Unknown
nf2Genotype: +/-
individualID: NCH1
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: Other
isPrimaryCell: No
modelSystemName: NCH1
genomicReference: GRCh38
parentSpecimenID: NCH1 chunk a
averageInsertSize: 1916.4
averageReadLength: 149
averageBaseQuality: 36.1
readsMappedPercent: 100
pairsOnDifferentChr: 0
readsDuplicatedPercent: 52.3337136172416
specimenPreparationMethod: Fresh collected

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