Immunostaing of AAVDJ-GRD-C24 on iPNF9511bc.tif


Created By gabsang lee gabsang

Uuid: 2fe46423-83bb-4fa9-835f-4e46b522be27
assay: immunocytochemistry
studyId: syn33791300
comments: p-ERK inhibition with AAVDJ-GRD-C24
dataType: immunoassay
entityId: syn52192520
Component: ProcessedExpressionTemplate
studyName: Testing the efficacy of new NF1 gene therapy candidates in human cell types
initiative: Gene Therapy Initiative
isCellLine: Yes
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: GFF
isPrimaryCell: No
expressionUnit: Other
immunoAssayType: ATAC-seq
modelSystemName: hTERT NF1 ipNF95.11b C
progressReportNumber: 3

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