

Created By Orion Banks banksorion

Id: e6af6af3-4996-4d44-a56e-7cf884244095
eTag: 97e003c2-6465-4807-85b1-8816ff234cbe
EntityId: syn52383428
entityId: syn52383428
Component: DatasetView
DatasetName: CSE1L and NUP37 proximity labeling in MCF10A cells expressing chimeric ErbB1:ErbB2 receptors
primary_key: DatasetView_id
DatasetAlias: PXD038327
DatasetAssay: Proteomics Assay, Proximity Ligation Assay
DatasetDesign: Cells were cultured with reconstituted basement membrane, BirA* alleles induced with doxycycline, ErbB receptors dimerized with a synthetic small molecule, and biotinylation was performed for 24 hours. Lysates underwent a two-step biotin affinity purification before gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry on selected gel fragments.
DatasetTissue: Breast, Epithelium
DatasetViewId: PXD038327
DatasetSpecies: Cat
DatasetPubmedId: 37055441
DatasetTumorType: Breast Neoplasm
DatasetDescription: This project uses an MCF10A clone (B2B1) expressing chimeric synthetic receptors for ErbB1 (EGFR) and ErbB2 (HER2) along with BirA*-fused inducible alleles of CSE1L or NUP37.
DatasetFileFormats: RAW, mzIdentML, MGF
DatasetGrantNumber: CA274499

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