Andersen Journal of Alzheimer's disease - JAD 2021 (Pubmed ID 34219735)


Created By Nicholas Lee nicholas.lee

DOI: 10.3233/JAD-201119
Name: Andersen Journal of Alzheimer's disease - JAD 2021 (Pubmed ID 34219735)
Year: 2021
Title: Digital Technology Differentiates Graphomotor and Information Processing Speed Patterns of Behavior.
grant: U19AG063893
study: The Long Life Family Study
Authors: Andersen SL Sweigart B Glynn NW Wojczynski MK Thyagarajan B Mengel-From J Thielke S Perls TT Libon DJ Au R Cosentino S Sebastiani P
Journal: Journal of Alzheimer's disease - JAD
Program: ELITE
PubmedId: 34219735
entity_name: Andersen Journal of Alzheimer's disease - JAD 2021 (Pubmed ID 34219735)
fulljournalname: Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD

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