Deelen Nature communications 2019 (Pubmed ID 31413261)


Created By Nicholas Lee nicholas.lee

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-11558-2
Name: Deelen Nature communications 2019 (Pubmed ID 31413261)
Year: 2019
Title: A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies multiple longevity genes.
grant: U19AG063893 U24AG051129
study: The Longevity Genomics Consortium
Authors: Deelen J Evans DS Arking DE Tesi N Nygaard M Liu X Wojczynski MK Biggs ML van der Spek A Atzmon G Ware EB Sarnowski C Smith AV Seppala I Cordell HJ Dose J Amin N Arnold AM Ayers KL Barzilai N Becker EJ Beekman M Blanche H Christensen K Christiansen L Collerton JC Cubaynes S Cummings SR Davies K Debrabant B Deleuze JF Duncan R Faul JD Franceschi C Galan P Gudnason V Harris TB Huisman M Hurme MA Jagger C Jansen I Jylha M Kahonen M Karasik D Kardia SLR...
Journal: Nature communications
Program: ELITE
PubmedId: 31413261
entity_name: Deelen Nature communications 2019 (Pubmed ID 31413261)
fulljournalname: Nature communications

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