Ehlers Genes brain and behavior 2016 (Pubmed ID 27167163)


Created By Nicholas Lee nicholas.lee

DOI: 10.1111/gbb.12297
Name: Ehlers Genes brain and behavior 2016 (Pubmed ID 27167163)
Year: 2016
Title: Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the REG-CTNNA2 region of chromosome 2 and NEIL3 associated with impulsivity in a Native American sample.
grant: U19AG023122
study: The Longevity Consortium
Authors: Ehlers CL Gizer IR Bizon C Slutske W Peng Q Schork NJ Wilhelmsen KC
Journal: Genes brain and behavior
Program: ELITE
PubmedId: 27167163
entity_name: Ehlers Genes brain and behavior 2016 (Pubmed ID 27167163)
fulljournalname: Genes, brain, and behavior

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