Arum Age (Dordrecht Netherlands) 2014 (Pubmed ID 24789008)


Created By Nicholas Lee nicholas.lee

DOI: 10.1007/s11357-014-9651-2
Name: Arum Age (Dordrecht Netherlands) 2014 (Pubmed ID 24789008)
Year: 2014
Title: Preservation of blood glucose homeostasis in slow-senescing somatotrophism-deficient mice subjected to intermittent fasting begun at middle or old age.
grant: U19AG023122
study: The Longevity Consortium
Authors: Arum O Saleh JK Boparai RK Kopchick JJ Khardori RK Bartke A
Journal: Age (Dordrecht Netherlands)
Program: ELITE
PubmedId: 24789008
entity_name: Arum Age (Dordrecht Netherlands) 2014 (Pubmed ID 24789008)
fulljournalname: Age (Dordrecht, Netherlands)

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