Kerepesi Nature communications 2022 (Pubmed ID 35039495)


Created By Nicholas Lee nicholas.lee

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-27959-9
Name: Kerepesi Nature communications 2022 (Pubmed ID 35039495)
Year: 2022
Title: Epigenetic aging of the demographically non-aging naked mole-rat.
grant: UH2AG064704 UH3AG064706 UH2AG064706
study: Integrative Omics to enhance therapeutics development for healthy aging
Authors: Kerepesi C Meer MV Ablaeva J Amoroso VG Lee SG Zhang B Gerashchenko MV Trapp A Yim SH Lu AT Levine ME Seluanov A Horvath S Park TJ Gorbunova V Gladyshev VN
Journal: Nature communications
Program: ELITE
PubmedId: 35039495
entity_name: Kerepesi Nature communications 2022 (Pubmed ID 35039495)
fulljournalname: Nature communications

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